Controlling the Spread of Disease with Cat and Dog Vaccinations in Colchester, CT

Keeping your pet healthy involves a consistent, ongoing treatment routine, and vaccines are an essential part of this routine. Colchester Veterinary Hospital is dedicated to teaching pet parents about the importance of regular vaccinations and the diseases that might be threatening their pets’ safety.
Dog and cat vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to control the spread of disease among pets. They can also improve overall health and extend lives. Thanks to vaccines, our pets are enjoying many more happy years with us.
If your pet is due for their vaccines, please give us a call at (860) 537-3435 or schedule their visit on our website.
Scheduling Vaccinations for Your Pet
Cats and dogs have different vaccine schedules that are based around their personal needs. It is usually best to begin vaccinating once they reach 6-8 weeks of age so we can boost their immunity and keep them healthy at this vulnerable life stage.
To get started with your pet vaccinations, give us a call at (860) 537-3435. With the help of one of our veterinarians, your pet will have a vaccination schedule that provides essential protection.
Why Dog and Cat Vaccines Are Important
If you are not immune to a certain disease, you could be vulnerable to an infection. The same applies to our pets, who are also unable to judge situations that might put their health at risk. The most common and serious diseases your pet may face include:
In addition to vaccinating pets against these diseases, we also offer vaccines to protect against less common but no less important illnesses such as feline leukemia (for cats only), Bordetella (kennel cough), canine influenza and leptospirosis.
Call us at (860) 347-8387 or book an appointment online!